By Raf Guns (University Antwerp) and Tim Engels (University Antwerp). 

The Flemish Academic Bibliographic Database for the Social Sciences and Humanities (VABB-SHW) is a comprehensive database of Flemish publications from the social sciences and humanities. In addition to journal articles and proceedings, it indexes monographs, edited books, and book chapters. More than half of all publications in the VABB-SHW are not indexed in Web of Science, although the number and share of WoS-indexed publications has increased sharply over time. The percentage of English-language publications in the VABB-SHW has increased from 61% in 2000 to 85% in 2022. We also highlight that there are substantial differences between disciplines in terms of WoS indexation, preferred publication types, and language. Finally, co-authorship has become the norm: not only is 74% of 2022 publications co-authored (compared to only 46% in 2000), the size of author teams has increased as well.